Form1 MIDPLAY Form1 Picture1 Timer2 Timer1 Name1 Times New Roman Group AutoSelect MMErrBox Form_Click @ Form_Load Name1 Picture1_Click OpenStr FName MMSend CloseM MMErr[ mciSendStringP MMCombo mciGetErrorString5 Timer1 Enabled PlayWait MMErrBox" MidPlay PlayDonek FALSE Timer1_Timerw Picture1_DblClick Index vsize Picture1 Height hsize Width+ BackColorY Visible doing Command1_Click NowPlaying GMGUITARc GroupNow Picture2_Click Group Group_Click AutoSelectQ AutoSelect_Click AutoNow Timer2_Timer Timer2 CRed; CGreen CBlue MMErrBox_Change^ HighestGroup Name1_Change ActualWavs ActualMids Form_Load Set up 'bank colors' - green, blue, yellow, pink MIDS.DAT Open file for input. Check for end of file. Read data.+ Increment index.a Close data file.d if we have less than 440, adjust the name array as necessary. Fill the remaining entries ine the last group with duplicates. MMSend turn on test for play stop PlayWait 'wait on DoEvents() If Ret& <> 0 Then MMErrBox.Text = "Err: " + MMErr$ End IfP PlayWait release time to system during song PlayDone = TRUE to get here.. reset flag for next playd turn off timert Picture1_Click stop midi wait close midi wait" drop the .MID drop the path, if there is one Open " alias midi" Play midi from 0 CloseM$ = "close midi wait" MMSend CloseM$l Command1_Click set midi tempo Timer1_Timer status midi mode stopped" close midi wait" Open " alias midi" Play midi from 0 drop the .MID drop the path, if there is one Group_Click AutoSelect_Click Timer2_Timer